Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Last week of classes! Trip to the Aquarium

So the official count of days I have until being home has actually been altered a bit because I decided to stay an extra week so I could travel to the Philippines! Still only 36 days though until I start the LONG trip back. Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, but life has been pretty low key for awhile just staying updated with my classes, planning for travelling (!!), and doing touristy things around the city. I am definitely in the home stretch and have an exciting few weeks ahead of me. I leave this Friday for a trip to Thailand and Malaysia where I will travel to Phuket, Koh Phi Phi Don island, Georgetown, and the Cameron Highlands! Then I will return to Singapore for 1 week of studying, 1 week of exams, and then off to the Philippines. With rooms costing an average of $8 a night and $50 plane tickets, its hard not to want to travel all over southeast Asia while I am here!

So as far as Singapore touristy things go, this past weekend I ventured to Sentosa Island for the first time since I've been here. This island just off the coast of the main Singapore island is made up of all the resorty things- Universal Studios, Hard Rock Hotel, beaches, and a Casino, to name a few. It is also home to the brand NEW Southeast Asia (SEA) Aquarium- the biggest aquarium in the WORLD! I went to this aquarium with some friends this weekend and had a great time! It was nice to get off campus and away from studying for awhile. 

BARBECUE - This weekend we also rented out the barbecue pit near our hall to and had a nice get together! We went to the supermarket nearby to stock up on sausages, hot dogs, chicken, chips, etc. It was so nice to have everyone together before we all start going our separate ways or get sucked into the world of exams.  

Now for those that may not have understood just what I meant when I said "It's really humid here", here is a little bit of photographic evidence. This is my backpack I got at the beginning of the school year covered in mold from doing nothing other than just sitting in my bedroom.. Yes, folks, it really is that humid. 

Now on a more serious note, my heart goes out to all of the victims of the Boston bombings, the responders, the city of Boston and my entire country. It's times like these that the distance from home is especially felt. Much love to all from Singapore. 

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